Stuff has moved

This site is now on a new host as usual let me know if anything is broken. No it didn’t take just over a year to move Stuff to a new host, I just got distracted by life and have been neglecting this place.

Google Goggles, CSI like technology on your phone.

I’ve read about it before countless times before, but I haven’t had a phone capable of running it. This morning while drinking my tea I read yet another post about Google Goggles and decided to install it on my HTC Wildfire.

I have only one word to explain it… “AWESOME”.

It reminds me of the handheld gadgets they use in shows like CSI where they take a photo of something (fingerprint, shoe print etc) and then click a button and the phone magically does some recognition and comes back with the info. It’s not perfect… and doesn’t recognise all the logos I had in the office but it does a pretty good job none the less.

And now with Google Images supporting reverse searches (search for an image using an image) it could only get better.

Awesome, powerful, small Linux machine.

Small Linux ComputerFound this on the Make Zine site, more info on site or the Raspberry Pi Foundation site.

Awesome little machine with rather impressive specifications.

Provisional specification

700MHz ARM11
256MB of SDRAM
OpenGL ES 2.0
1080p30 H.264 high-profile decode
Composite and HDMI video output
USB 2.0
SD/MMC/SDIO memory card slot
General-purpose I/O
Open software (Ubuntu, Iceweasel, KOffice, Python)

I?wish I could get a device like this in South Africa for R 250.00 ($25.00 estimated price in the article.)

I wonder if the hardware is good enough to run XBMC

My new phone… HTC wildfire

Yesterday I got my new cell phone, a HTC wildfire. I’m loving the phone so far, its not the fastest or fanciest phone but its still pretty awesome.

I’ve managed to setup links to all the “lmportant” social media apps. I’m rather impressed by Android, its a lot better than my old Nokia.

Full review to come soon…

Basil, Tomato and Olive Pasta – Jamie Oliver

The wife and I eat mostly the same meals every week, with minor variations based on what is currently on sale. But we’ve started to get a little bored…

Yesterday I remembered reading about a Basil and Tomato pasta in one of my Jamie Oliver books, a quick search online found the one I was thinking about.

I made a few changes to the dish, I added a chopped and peeled clove of garlic to the tomatoes and used Woolies rosa tomatoes. I also cooked some chicken cut in strips in some olive oil and a little white wine to add to the dish. We didn’t have the same cheese but a little grated Parmesan worked pretty well. I played with the quantities a little as I was only cooking for two… and still managed to have leftovers.

The dish is super easy and if you co-ordinate everything correctly and time it just right you could do everything in +/- 30minutes of cooking (depending on how long the oven takes to warm up.)

And it tasted soooo good, its easily my new favourite home cooked pasta dish.