Bookmarks for August 23rd through September 1st

These are my links for August 23rd through September 1st:

Bookmarks for June 28th through August 23rd

These are my links for June 28th through August 23rd:

New phone – nokia 5230 Rihanna

My mother in-law got a cellphone upgrade to the new Nokia 5230 “Rihanna” phone but didn’t wan’t it, so I got it…
So far I like the touchscreen interface and the gps is better than my old phone (Nokia N78) the camera is terrible though, no auto focus, no light or flash and its only 2MP old one was a 3.2MP.

This post was typed on it and sent using WordPress for nokia, which is pretty cool.

Voyager 2 – Extreme remote debugging

Voyager 2 for those of you who don’t know is a space probe that was sent into space and was designed to study a whole range of things. (You can go read the Wikipedia page if you want more detail.)

For those of you don’t know a few weeks (months?) ago something went wrong and the space probe stopped sending coherent information back to earth. Now remember that this probe was launched in 1977. NASA managed to debug and fix the problem with the on-board computers remotely… which is impressive given how old the hardware is and the fact that it takes 13hours for info to travel from the probe to earth. I’m continually impressed by a lot of the “old school” space hardware that NASA built and how long it lasted and how they’ve often gotten it to work long after its expected EOL (End of Life).

You can find the?official?account of what happened and how it was fixed here.

Bookmarks for May 17th through June 25th

These are my links for May 17th through June 25th:

How Xerox helped in the cold war.

I loved this story about how Xerox modified there then new photocopiers so that they would keep a copy of every document photo copied at the Russian Government so that the CIA could get them.

Now days this could be done even easier as everything is being done digitally and copies could be stored in internal memory and sent via Internet to the correct place.

Bookmarks for April 27th through May 7th

These are my links for April 27th through May 7th: